Our Workshops

In response to our nation’s mental health crisis, Beyond The Exterior offers Mental Health First Aid Training Certifications through the National Council of Behavioral Health. This groundbreaking skills-based course gives people the tools to identify, understand, and respond to someone who might be struggling with a mental health or substance use challenge — and connect them with appropriate support and resources when necessary.
Mental Health First Aid Training

This Trauma-Informed Prevention / Intervention workshop is a program designed to address acute, chronic, and complex forms of trauma. Given recent global events, trauma is at an all-time high and we have designed our curriculum and training to meet these demands. Beyond The Exterior has developed a Trauma-Informed model that we would like to introduce to agencies, community advocates, schools, government officials, and alike.
Trauma-Informed Prevention / Intervention

Creative Cleansing Colors is an enrichment program designed to improve and restore individuals' mental health, and personal well-being while cultivating emotional resilience, self-esteem, and self regulation. Creative Cleansing Colors uses expressive arts coupled with cognitive behavior therapy intervention that will promote psychological awareness. Created by Sovereign B Cross-Smith.
Creative Cleansing Colors

This workshop helps individuals understand they have control of their responses in any situation as a direct result of pausing, thinking, and processing their initial thoughts. In this workshop, individuals will understand the power of thoughts and how they can alter moods, environments, physical and psychological well-being, and outcomes.
Think About What You’re Thinking (Understanding Cognitive Responses)

This workshop will introduce concepts and social skills participants can utilize that will equip and prepare them when faced with challenging situations. Assisting individuals with identifying their thinking patterns, attitudes, and beliefs that lead to violent behaviors. In addition, this workshop will reconstruct the participants’ cognitive behaviors/thinking in order to prevent a possible continuous cycle rather they are a predator or victim.
Domestic Violence

This workshop will introduce concepts and social skills participants can utilize that will equip and prepare them when faced with challenging situations. Assisting individuals with identifying their thinking patterns, attitudes, and beliefs that lead to violent behaviors. In addition, this workshop will reconstruct the participants’ cognitive behaviors/thinking in order to prevent a possible continuous cycle rather they are a predator or victim.
Violence Driven By Emotions: How Do We Stop Them?

W- Who identified Me, What Identified Me and Where was My identification shaped
H- How was My identity framed?
O- On Top …Higher thinking- My thoughts matters and can shape Me
A- Aim for the highest peak…BEYOND My own expectations
M- Momentum within Me
I- I Am who I Am
Who Am I:

This workshop will assist individuals in understanding critical thinking about themselves. Participants will understand the power of believing in themselves and become empowered to strive for the Greater within.
Let the “Real Me” Stand Up

This workshop will assist individuals in understanding how a relationship with their “Father/Dad” affects their relationship with their Heavenly Father.
Daddy, Where Are You?

This workshop through the process of self-reflection will assist individuals in identifying inner conflicts that cause them to deal with their internal struggles.
The Little Girl or Little Boy Within

This workshop will assist individuals in understanding that words can hurt just as much as a physical objects or discipline. In this workshop, the participants will understand the power of words, how to block negativity, and how to speak affirming statements to themselves and others.
Sticks and Stones: Words Matter

In this workshop, individuals will learn to understand the difference between stereotypes and superficial views of other people’s lifestyles, status quo, and appearances. In this workshop, the participants will identify and understand authenticity. Created by Sovereign B Cross- Smith.
If The Shoe Fits: Who's Framing You?

YOU CAN! Is a workshop designed to break the false image of one’s self based on social status, environment, and media. YOU CAN! equips youth to press beyond limitations and obstacles, transforming individuals within in order to transform without.
Developed by: Helena "Zion" Harley Page

Participants will engage in a variety of discussions with several facilitators. These facilitators will introduce topics that will change, transform, renew, encourage, and stimulate the participants way of thinking. The participants will learn how to apply the concepts and lessons to their lives.

In this workshop participants will be challenged to identify the difference between facts and myths with the following: STD’s, Sex, Puberty, Pregnancy, Relationships, and many more issues teens face today.
Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

This workshop will assist adults and youth in understanding eight important financial components such as: budgeting, understanding your earnings, managing your finances, savings, what is a credit score, how do credit cards and loans work, securing your finances, and building your own financial empire.
Financial Literacy

This is an enrichment program designed to address repetitive and compulsive behaviors, social impairment, as well as problems with communicating and processing sensory information for autistic children. Artistic Autistic Arts uses art therapy to promote mental and emotional growth through art-making. Created by Sovereign B Cross-Smith.